Sunday 5 June 2011

-------- title

I have to force myself to write at least something here or else I will feel lacking of achievement within me; a very true story you are reading.

What a boring title, you would say.

Indeed, a boring day deserves a boring title. Thus born this boring post.

Last June/mid-term holiday was waaaaaaaayy packed, yet I was as excited for it as ever, I could still recall. Now, an extremely short year later, where has that spirit gone, I wonder. Perhaps there are the times in life where one is supposed to be at the most top - you go straight and beyond your capability yet nothing stops you in the middle, and some points in life where little little disturbing things intersects the fine line you are walking, whether intentionally or not.

Anything in any form in this world has the ability to interfere your life. You are on a diet plan and you see McDonald's, you use the pink can glass as an excuse to get the fries your taste buds (secretly) crave. You want to (/MUST) study and you look at the clock, you tell yourself it's time to sleep. You have decided to stop spending money on unnecessary things and the big big 'SALE' word somehow reaches your eyes, you walk into the shop like your thoughts never exists. You want to direct your life in your own way and you see big big people walking in, you step back and shrink with a scale factor of one over a million.

Pink can glass, clock, a big four-letter-word, and now big big human beings with power, we surrender to them all.

Human races surrendering to each other I get that (a little bit), but to non-living things? ..... What has the world done to us. Do we not have our own stand? Do we not have the choice in our own hands? Why can't we go ahead with our decision and not be affected by others, nor affect others?

Life. So many things to understand about it.

I'm not saying that intersecting lines are not good. In fact, the world would be a nightmare without them. If every single line in this world were parallel, wouldn't everyone be living in their own world? You want to eat, you cook yourself. You don't know how to cook, you starve and die. No one sells food because there is no other people than you in your world. And no one will teach you what is right and what is wrong. A pointless life of loneliness you will live.

For me, it's the way we see things that matters the most. A little bit of self-control and discipline would help much. You see pink can glass, you tell yourself McDonald harms your health; you see the clock, you see it as how many hours more were given to you as your last chance; you see the big four-letter-word, IGNORE for it is a strategy to get you out of your own stand; you see big big people, put yourself into their shoes, try to understand and give them a benefit of the doubt.

Though I still need lots of practice on these. Here's a reminder for people (me) who cannot resist pretty pretty things:

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:18

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